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Adorable 1940s Little Boy Blue Wallpaper (hw1271)

This is an original 1940s wallpaper for a nursery or children's room. It was made in the USA and depicts the most adorable design centred around Little Boy Blue. There are deer, lambs, squirrels, rabbits, ducklings, a pig, an owl in the tree and a wonderful scarecrow. The colours are very pretty against the delicate, soft buttery yellow background. This is a Nancy Warren design and the name is printed on the selvedge. This wallpaper is being sold by the yard (36") from two part rolls which make a total of 9 yards (27 feet) - if you wish to purchase the full amount, a discount will be applied. The wallpaper is 19" wide.

This wallpaper is perfect for so many projects from lining cupboard doors and shelves, covering storage boxes, lining chests - or for framing, to make a wonderful unique display in a child's room.

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Price: £ 15.00 per yard
UK P&P: Free
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(invoiced price may vary - postage not included)
UK Pounds £ 15.00
Euros € 16.80
United States $ $ 19.05
Japanese Yen ¥ 2,152
Australian $ $ 26.55
Canadian $ $ 25.50
Hong Kong $ $ 149.25
Adorable 1940s Little Boy Blue Wallpaper
(Product Code: hw1271)
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