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Beautiful Blowsy Roses Oil Painting (pg791)

A glorious, original oil painting depicting a glass vase filled with big, colourful roses. It is painted on board and signed indistinctly by the artist. The colours are superb and the blowsy roses really draw the eye.

The frame is approximately 20" wide by 24.5" high.The actual painting is 20" by 16". It is currently set into a gold painted frame although we think it would look better in a ligher toned frame. (We'd be happy to remove it from the frame if the purchaser wishes.) This lovely painting provides a taste of summer all year round!

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Price: £ 95.00
UK P&P: 12.50
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(invoiced price may vary - postage not included)
UK Pounds £ 95.00
Euros € 106.40
United States $ $ 120.65
Japanese Yen ¥ 13,629
Australian $ $ 168.15
Canadian $ $ 161.50
Hong Kong $ $ 945.25
Beautiful Blowsy Roses Oil Painting
(Product Code: pg791)
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